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Yayınlarımız (Protistoloji) 

Makaleye ulaÅŸmak için lütfen altı çizili metne tıklayın.

LAP üyeleri kalın harflerle yazılmıştır ,

Sorumlu yazarlar bir yıldızla [*] belirtilmiştir).


・Asiloglu R*, Bodur OS, Samuel SO, Aycan M, Murase J, Harada N, 2024: Trophic modulation of endophytes by rhizosphere protists. ISME Journal, wrae235.


・Bodur OS, Suzuki K, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2024Top-down predators shape soil bacterial community composition while bottom-up nutrients drive bacterial abundanceScience of the Total Environment, 957, 177634.


・Fujino M, Bodur OS, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2024: Guardians of plant health: roles of predatory protists in the pathogen suppression. Plant and Soil, s11104.


・Bodur OS, Fujino M, Asiloglu R*, 2024Predatory protists: the key players in the quest for sustainable agricultural practices. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30, 436 - 443.​


・Bodur OS, Samuel SO, Suzuki K, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2024: Nitrogen-based fertilizers differentially affect protist community composition in paddy field soils. Soil Ecology Letters, 6, 230221. 


・Fujino M, Suzuki K, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2023: Protists modulate active bacterial community composition in paddy field soilsBiology and Fertility of Soils. 


・Murase J & Asiloglu R, 2023: Protists: The hidden ecosystem players in a wetland rice field soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 


・Asiloglu R*, 2022: Biochar–microbe interaction: more protist research is needed Biochar, 4, 72.


・Asiloglu R*, Shiroishi K, Suzuki K, Turgay OC, Harada N 2021: Soil properties have more significant effects on the community composition of protists than the rhizosphere effect of rice plants in alkaline paddy field soilsSoil Biology and Biochemistry , 161, 108397. 


・Asiloglu R*, Kobayashi K, Samuel SO, Sevilir B, Murase J, Suzuki K, Harada N 2021: Top-down effects of protists are greater than bottom-up effects of fertilisers on the formation of bacterial communities in a paddy field soilSoil Biology and Biochemistry, 156, 108186.


・Asiloglu R*, Sevilir B, Samuel SO, Aycan M, Akca MO, Suzuki K, Murase J, Turgay OC, Harada N 2021: Effect of protists on rhizobacterial community composition and rice plant growth in a biochar amended soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57, 293-304


・Asiloglu R*, Samuel SO, Sevilir B, Akca MO, Bozkurt PA, Suzuki K, Murase J, Turgay OC, Harada N 2021: Biochar affects taxonomic and functional community composition of protists. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57, 15-29.


・Asiloglu R*, Shiroishi K, Suzuki K, Turgay OC, Murase J, Harada N 2020: Protist-enhanced survival of a plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, Azospirillum sp. B510, and the growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants. Applied Soil Ecology, 154, 103599.

Image by Alfons Morales

Graduate School of Science and Technology / Faculty of Agriculture
Niigata University

8050 Ikarashi 2-no-cho, Nishi-ku Niigata City, Niigata 950-2181 Japan

© 2022 by Asiloglu Rasit

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