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Asiloglu Rasit, PhD
Assistant Professor
Hello! I lead the research activities at LAP. I received MSc and PhD degrees at the Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University under the supervision of Prof. Jun Murase. I am an editorial board member at Soil Ecology Letters and Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
Principal Investigator

Fu An
Undergraduate Students

Yamada Hajime

Oda Yuuto

Okada Riho

Takabayashi Okuto

Ando Hinata

Miyashita Yuka

Kamitaka Yuumu

Kubota Hana
Research Collaborations

Prof. Harada Naoki et al.
Lab. of Soil Sciences, Niigata University, Japan

Prof. Murase Jun
Lab. of Information Sciences in Agr. Lands, Nagoya University, Japan

Aycan Murat, PhD
Lab. of Biochemistry, Niigata University, Japan

Prof. Turgay Oguz Can
Dep. of Soil Science, Ankara University, Turkey

Kenta Ikazaki Ph.D.
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
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