・Asiloglu R*, Bodur OS, Samuel SO, Aycan M, Murase J, Harada N, 2024: Trophic modulation of endophytes by rhizosphere protists. ISME Journal, wrae235.
・Bodur OS, Suzuki K, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2024: Top-down predators shape soil bacterial community composition while bottom-up nutrients drive bacterial abundance. Science of the Total Environment, accepted.
・Fujino M, Bodur OS, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2024: Guardians of plant health: roles of predatory protists in the pathogen suppression. Plant and Soil, s11104.
・Bodur OS, Fujino M, Asiloglu R*, 2024: Predatory protists: the key players in the quest for sustainable agricultural practices. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30, 436 - 443.
・Bodur OS, Samuel SO, Suzuki K, Harada N, Asiloglu R, 2024: Nitrogen-based fertilizers differentially affect protist community composition in paddy field soils. Soil Ecology Letters, 6, 230221.
・Samuel OS , Suzuki K, Asiloglu R, Harada N 2023: Rice endophytic communities are strongly dependent on microbial communities specific to each soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils.
・Fujino M, Suzuki K, Harada N, Asiloglu R*, 2023: Protists modulate active bacterial community composition in paddy field soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils.
・Murase J & Asiloglu R, 2023: Protists: The hidden ecosystem players in a wetland rice field soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils.
・Asiloglu R*, 2022: Biochar–microbe interaction: more protist research is needed Biochar, 4, 72.
・Chowdhury SA, Kaneko A, Baki MZI, Takasugi C, Wada N, Asiloglu R, Harada N, Suzuki K 2022. Impact of the chemical composition of applied organic materials on bacterial and archaeal community compositions in paddy soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 58, 135–148.
・Samuel SO, Suzuki K, Asiloglu R, Harada N 2022: Soil-root interface influences the assembly of the endophytic bacterial community in rice plants. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 58, 35–48.
・Aycan M, Baslam M, Ozdemir B, Asiloglu R, Mitsui T, Yildiz M 2021: Direct contribution of the maternal genotype on the transgenerational salinity tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 192, 104648
・Asiloglu R*, Shiroishi K, Suzuki K, Turgay OC, Harada N 2021: Soil properties have more significant effects on the community composition of protists than the rhizosphere effect of rice plants in alkaline paddy field soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry , 161, 108397.
・Aycan M, Baslam M, Asiloglu R, Mitsui T, Yildiz M 2021: Development of new high-salt tolerant bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes and insight into the tolerance mechanisms. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 166, 314-327.
・Asiloglu R*, Kobayashi K, Samuel SO, Sevilir B, Murase J, Suzuki K, Harada N 2021: Top-down effects of protists are greater than bottom-up effects of fertilisers on the formation of bacterial communities in a paddy field soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 156, 108186.
・Baki MZI, Suzuki K, Takahashi K, Chowdhury SA, Asiloglu R, Harada N 2021: Molecular genetic characterization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with upland rice in Bangladesh. Rhizosphere, 18, 100357.
・Asiloglu R*, Sevilir B, Samuel SO, Aycan M, Akca MO, Suzuki K, Murase J, Turgay OC, Harada N 2021: Effect of protists on rhizobacterial community composition and rice plant growth in a biochar amended soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57, 293-304
・Suzuki K, Kashiwa N, Nomura K, Asiloglu R, Harada N 2021: Impacts of application of calcium cyanamide and the consequent increase in soil pH on N2O emissions and soil bacterial community compositions. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57, 269-279.
・Asiloglu R*, Samuel SO, Sevilir B, Akca MO, Bozkurt PA, Suzuki K, Murase J, Turgay OC, Harada N 2021: Biochar affects taxonomic and functional community composition of protists. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57, 15-29.
・Maeda Y, Mise K, Iwasaki W, Watanabe A, Asakawa A, Asiloglu R, Murase J 2020: Invention of Artificial Rice Field Soil: A Tool to Study the Effect of Soil Components on the Activity and Community of Microorganisms Involved in Anaerobic Organic Matter Decomposition. Microbes and Environment, 35, ME20093.
・Asiloglu R*, Shiroishi K, Suzuki K, Turgay OC, Murase J, Harada N 2020: Protist-enhanced survival of a plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, Azospirillum sp. B510, and the growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants. Applied Soil Ecology, 154, 103599.